for Music Stream Title-Listening
Texture Changer Object hears first 8 characters of parcel audio music stream annoucement Object displays texture on side 1 with same name as stream text. Each new stream title will change texture IF new texture exists by that name (no change if not) SCRIPT USE:
Our INFO PANEL is a key component of our 2Ldance.org Free Dance Lessons. The Panel includes dozens of photo textures with our 2LD class content. (currently menu driven) We hope to provide venue partners with their own FDL studio at cost to promote our mission ("Make More Dancers - Make Better Dancers.") 2Ldance.org is a not-for-profit endeavor. I am not interested in selling this script. I will embed the script in the INFO PANELs we create to be used in dance lesson studios. Creator can retain all rights to script We do plan on having LIVE INSTRUCTOR classes, and the instructors will be allowed to place tip jars. (NO cut to 2Ldance.org0 |
Detailed Functional Spec
1. Object script listens/reads Parcel Music Stream title announcement. When next song is announced, script parses first 8 characters to select* texture selected texture is displayed on SIDE 1 of scripted Object If no texture exists by stream title text name, no change is made 2. Stream song titles in the format: 101A-02B - [DANCE name] - [Song title] Where: 101A = Class & Ver 02B = track position Only the first EIGHT (8) characters of the stream title need be parsed to determine texture, remainder of string can be ignored 3. Object script changes texture on targeted side (set to SIDE = 1 OR allow change in script. NOT ALL Sides) - texture changes are smooth transition (not a reset to white/default texture) - if no texture in CONTENTS by same name as music stream text, no change is made 4. Textures simply added to object CONTENTS. 5. * CONTROL (what textures to what title string) Method (a) or (b) whichever is simplest/cheapest a. PREFERRED: can use STREAM TITLE TEXT (first 8 characters) as 8 character Texture Name Texture names (in CONTENTS) are set to match first 8 ch of stream title text Hears title text "101B-03A" and displays texture named "101B-03A" CAPS sensitive n/a No need to evaluate string, just use to set texture b. NOT PREFERRED: use NOTECARD in Contents to define table. EX: (stream title text) (texture name) 1. 101B-02b = [Texture Name] 2. 101A-04A = [Texture Name] script would need to lookup stream title text correctly (CAPs sensitive) and display corresponding texture name. |