Dev Notes
VOICE-OVER -completed and live - by QuandoCoeli 6/1/2015 Applied for SL 12 B birthday exhibition - 5/28/2015 WE HAVE LAUNCHED Self-Guided Class is Underway 5/25/15 Continued Punch List items: I have GREATLY compressed the studio floor, Add 4th Song Set (D) Add jingle signs to SONG LIST Info Panel (WHAT CONTENT?) Live Instructor Target: July 1, 2015 Status: Underway 1 Costume Themes and change blocking rehearsal 2 SOLO blocking rehearsal & timings 3 Outfit #01: The Waltz (Gown and Tux) ** DONE! ** PR Roll-Out 5/25 Two parcels go live in Classifieds: Educational (studio landing) and Newcomer Friendly (Media Center landing.) 5/5 Kari just posted first TICKLER Classified 5/5 COSTUMES for FREE Target: August 1, 2015
Goal to provide free outfits/costumes for all six of our dances, from a vendor in our Media Center. Kari and Missee are pulling together outfits that fit our costume themes. We will roll them out approx 1 per month, starting with Outfit #01, The Waltz. TEAM Competition Costume As we shop, let's find FP competition uniforms we can MOD into our own colors and have for our own team use. Also MOD a set to give away (not the official team colors) MOVE ALL BELOW TO DEV Chats
Ydille's Listening Photo Board works perfectly with the music stream information announcement generated by the Jensen Stream Board (above.)
5/21 Ydille is working on an upgrade to her Listening Photo Board that would also read stream data directly, eliminating the need for this Jensen Stream Board. |
GUYS! We need to hook a GUY instructor QuandoCoeli (RL ex-newscaster and talking head) has recorded our "rev 1" voice-over jingles for Dance 101! FB messaged Crossfire Ricochet "DiamondsMaster" <[email protected]> 5/12? 5/25: we are going with Quando MERECUMBE... intro removed but... needs to slow down?? ANCILLARY Hook up DJ Keao with Barbie's venue and give her the ability to control visual panels... even though she can't see. PHOTOS! Need studio facility pix with lots of people Reshoot Home page dip with good background and costumes Shoot DUET is the place to go for photos! (20L join) Created new STREAM Radio and Spacial Radio using textures from the Stream Board, Spatial Radio clicks straight to the spatial stream. Stream Radio has all BUT Spatial (=) NEWBIE signs for Media Center HOW TO: - hop on dance balls (rez perm pair in room) DONE - Join In (Click dance pad and dance) DONE - Select Dances from Dance Machine DONE - How to click INFO PANEL and select from menu (duh) - set sound levels (LLviewer) for VOICE, MUSIC, MEDIA TEST Voice carry across linear and circular floors it is limited, flaky, and should probably be avoided! Need to determine optimal rates for streams (currently 96 on Spacial and 128 on Second Streaming relay Note: remember SS shoutcast relay needs to be MP3 not ACC. RECONFIGURABLE Studio Dance Floor DONE FUTURE Skills and Chops
How to set viewpoint on animation so ECS students will have the same screen view of their dance movements (from behind, full frame from feet) "Dual Stream" have Instructor Talent receive VIBE stream, add local voice, and send to SecondStreaming for parcel. CHAT-CONTROLLED Photo Frame (Ydille made this) LSL listen to chat routine LSL basic slide show (have full perm) Full control dance animations (speed, loop portions, direction) |