Offer Free Dance Lessons at YOUR Venue
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Feature FREE Dance Lessons
BEFORE and AFTER your Events A Free Dance Lessons studio at your venue will:
1. Create a unique customer experience at your venue consistent with your own mission. 2. Draw new customers to your venue, and keep current customers longer. 3. Feed students back into your venue when the class is completed. 4. Be a major marketing story to tell your customers and prospects. 5. Achieve our mission: Make More Dancers. Make Better Dancers. You provide and own: 1. A dedicated land parcel (min. 24m x 16m, 384m2) and search listings (2 or 3) 2. One Intan couples dance machine (you can add the class dances to YOUR Intan) 3. Six class dances (specified by Optional: 4. A dedicated iShout music stream ($175L/week) or use stream for free. We provide everything else. Free to use. We will provide, and install: info screens, stream readers, Intan compatible dance pads, Jens Tech Stream Info Board, radios, media screens, interior walls and curtains, and studio structure with domed cover. Everything else needed for your own 2LDance Studio is provided to use free of charge (subject to our terms of use.) Give visitors something unique to do
Keep your visitors on site longer You may offer:
Unsupervised, un-hosted self-guided lessons 24x7 Hosted and self-guided lessons as you schedule (any time) LIVE INSTRUCTOR classes you schedule - instructors must be trained by You will promote LIVE instructor classes at your studio (min. one per month.) After Class, students stay at your venue
to practice what they learned. This is YOUR Studio providing dance lessons. We will provide CUSTOM BRANDED information panels (with YOUR venue logo) using our development studio screens as their basis. Your customers are coming to your dance lessons.
You agree not to charge for Free Dance Lessons You agree to allow Live Instructors to receive 100% tips will receive NO tips or fees from your studio operations TERMS OF USE
All of our materials are provided for use only - no ownership rights of any kind are transferred as part of this agreement. Here are the terms of use for our Free Dance Lessons Studio Creative Materials offer: 1. You agree to offer lessons FOR FREE as part of your venue business. - you may provide a venue tip jar but may not require a tip or payment to take the class. ( will receive NO tips or fees from your venue studio!) 2. You will allow Live Instructors to receive tips (we provide 100% to Talent tip jars) 3. Your Live Instructors will be certified through training (which is... FREE!) (Your hosts can be trained to facilitate the self-guided lesson without Live Instructors.) 4. You will not modify or distribute further any objects or creative work. 5. You agree to aggressively promote your FDL Studio consistent with your venue's mission and vision (and we will too!) 6. You will provide six Dance 101-compatible dances in a Intan Couples Dance Machine. This can be part of your club machine but needs to be named (1-6) to be on your first menu screen. Good publicity for your class and makes dancing easier already. 7. You will provide a suitable LAND PARCEL to support the studio's stream, and list it in SEARCH every week. This includes a sub-parcel and listing for the MEDIA CENTER. 8. You will cooperate with to evolve and enhance these lessons. (We will list and promote your venue's FDL studio on our website) 9. You agree to return, and for us to remove, all objects, textures, and materials if you close or cease operations of the studio, or if we close your studio for not meeting the terms of our use and agreement. | exists to bring
Free Dance Lessons to Dance Venues in Second Life You provide:
Land Parcel
You provide land dedicated for use by your studio: Pop-up (minimum) 24x16 384m2 Suggested: 36m x 16m, 576m2 basic studio prims needed: 75-100 plus structure Full studio 36m x 32m, 1152m2 Studio plus Dance Floor (2016m2 max.) You pay for 2 or 3 parcel search listings @ L$30/week each You provide the studio structure* as part of your venue (Or we can provide a complete turn-key studio in your choice of three floorplans for free. See below) Dance Machine You provide one INTAN couples machine and six class dances. You may already have an Intan and dances that will work. You own your INTAN machine and your class dances. Your Intan's first menu page will show the class dances in our format Music Stream Use of our Dance 101 stream for your studio is provided free. A dedicated iShout music stream ($175L/week) is optional. We provide EVERYTHING ELSE: FREE ALL creative materials are provided to use free of charge subject to our terms of use. We provide:
Ydille Stream Listen Info Panels Menu Info Panels Custom Stream Board (hidden from open chat) Floor plan decals to overlay existing floor Intan Pads on a floor (Circular or Linear) Interior walls, curtains, floor, ceiling and exterior walls (if needed) Directional Signage and Teleporters YOUR custom branding/logo on our info panels Use of our Dance 101 music stream Male and Female gestures (voice and chat) to support 101 DETAILS
Here are our "preferred" Dance 101 Dance Animations: 01 - Waltz ModernWaltz3 Abramelin Wolfe 02 - Swing Lindy Hop1 Abramelin Wolfe 03 - Nightclub 02_Turntoyou Wild Moo 04 - Slow Slodance v6 Craig Altman 05 - Salsa Hot Salsa Jesse Murdock 06 - Tango tango_04 Hendrik Schroeder We may be able to incorporate dance animations you already own for the class, but we prefer the dances shown. They have been selected to illustrate the basic steps well and matched to our music tracks. USE YOUR VENUE's INTAN If you already have an Intan Couples Dance machine, we can help you set the FIRST MENU SCREEN to show our Dance 101 dances correctly. You won't need (or want) a 2nd Intan! If you need to buy an Intan for your venue, we suggest you purchase it directly from Cecilia Zheng at Intan Eksotics. * STRUCTURE: We encourage you to place your Free Dance Lessons Studio close to, if not inside, your main dance venue structure. If outside, it should be in easy walking distance, and clear view. Your structure should allow an open area (minimum 576m2) using your own interior walls. The studio must sit on its own dedicated parcel - to provide our class music stream and the Media Center quiet area.
Our Structures We can provide a turn-key dance studio for you in three floorplans (shown left.) Pop-Up Studio (576m2) MINIMUM Full Studio (1152m2) TYPICAL Full Studio + Dance Floor (2016m2) RECOMMENDED There is no charge to use any of these structures. While it is feasible to install your FDL Studio in a remote skybox, we encourage being close to (and visible to/part of) your main venue. We provide a "MOON DOME" enclosure for any skybox installation as we use in our development studio. |