This impressive build by designer Stella Rhode Recco recreates a resort cabana and open air dance club on the coast of Mexico. Club Nocturno provides an extensive selection of Vista Latino dance animations. Our own LATIN Stream radio allows dancers to choose the kind of Latin music they wish to dance to. (Radio available free in the landing zone.)
The Dance 101 Clase de Baile is also open-air, bordered by Stella's cabana and linked directly to the Club Nocturno dance floor.
From the creator of Jardines de Baile, Stella Rhode Recco:
In Second Life, I am mostly a builder. I love to try make ideas become real, as real looking as I can make them. The Jardines de Baile project was about exploring to me. I had to look at a lot photos (from Google!) to get even some feeling for coastal Mexico. It is so far away from here (Finland) and I have never been there. I hope people find Jardines a place where they can listen to amazing Latino music, relax looking at waves and nature, and dance Latino dances. I’m inspired by how well our team worked together and how we interact with suggestions and ideas.